Why Social Media Marketing Is Important For Small-Business Owners
These days, it’s difficult to remember life without social media, right? Our kids don’t know a world without it, and even those of us who pre-date platforms like Facebook and Instagram look silly trying to explain how we got by back in the day.
Bottom line: nearly all of us are on social media, whether it be to stay in touch with friends and family, inundate ourselves with entertainment options, post pictures of our dinner, or express opinions on trending topics. We spend a ton of time on these channels, sometimes actively using three or four at the same time, so it goes without saying that small-business marketers should do the same if they want to get the attention of their target audience.
Don’t dig in your heels and avoid social media marketing. You need it, and here are a few of the main reasons why:
Consumers are easier to communicate with on social media – Per MarketingSherpa, 95 percent of online adults ages 18 to 34 are more likely to follow a brand on social media than if they came across that same business through any other means. They can communicate directly with the business, look for deals, and engage with posts they enjoy.
Relationships mean everything these days – Social media is exactly that – SOCIAL. This is your chance to have fun, answer questions, entertain, and show your company’s personality. If prospects or existing clients feel like they know you and have a relationship with you, then they are more likely to buy in the future. If nothing else, they will promote you.
Social media is a great tool to share blogs, promote your website – SEO experts out there will tell you that having a strong social media presence and a consistent following creates brand recognition, builds trust, and can help improve your search rankings. All those blogs you are writing on your website should be shared on social media to spark engagement and sell yourself as the authority on your craft.
Here are the best of the rest:
- Your competition is likely using social media every day
- Strategically using multiple social media platforms helps you reach more people
- Improved brand recognition and loyalty
- Social media marketing is cost-effective
For more than 25 years, Blue Troop Web, Print and Video has been dedicated to helping business owners add more oomph to their marketing toolbox, and now is as good a time as any to let us help you with your social media strategy.