Business Web-sites On The Cheap? Be Careful With DIY Web-site Builders
All businesses should have a quality web-site. If you don’t, you run the risk of hurting your company’s credibility in the marketplace, especially among consumers who, in this day and age, are searching the web for products and services at a breakneck pace. Simply put, not having a web-site makes it close to impossible to do business with you.
Thanks to the rise of cheap do-it-yourself web-site template builders like Wix, Weebly, and SquareSpace, it’s much easier for many small-business owners to get their web-site up and running quickly and within a tight budget – just choose a template and follow the prompts yourself – all without using a professional web-site developer such as BlueTroop Web, Print & Video in Dallas, TX. BUT… just because the process has been made easier doesn’t mean you should do it.
Here are 5 Downsides to Working with DIY Web-site Builders:
Limited Customization
There’s only so much you can do with a template-based DIY web-site builder, which means your site will be limited to the options available to you, it will be generic, and it quite possibly will lack in overall functionality. On the flip side, working with a web-site developer opens a world of possibilities to customize your web-site that speaks to what you do, highlights the benefits of doing business with you, and helps you stand out. This includes unique graphics and images, structured coding on the back end, and strategies such as video and making your site mobile friendly to boost your SEO.
You Must Write Content Yourself
A critical piece to any web-site is having unique and engaging web copy for every page on the site (Home Page, About, Services, Case Studies, etc.) to convince visitors to do business with you and keep them on your site longer. This may seem like a no-brainer, but many DIY builders don’t provide much guidance. So once a business owner sits down to write, they immediately feel like they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. A web-site developer can give you pointers, and either help write the content for you or suggest a local website content and copywriter who can take that task off your plate.
Limited Pages
Depending on how big your company is, you may find yourself needing a more robust web-site with additional pages to highlight your products and services. There are DIY web-site template builders out there that put caps on the number of pages you can have, which means you may have to pay extra for a premium plan or look elsewhere.
DIY Web-site Builders Usually Include Ads
Many web-site developers are inexpensive because they generate revenue for themselves by allowing ads to pop up on your web-site, even if they are companies you have no association with. This may not be the case with every DIY builder site, but it is something to consider. To remove them, you’d have to pay extra.
Limited Customer Service
A huge benefit to consider with hiring a professional web-site developer is the customer service and technical experience. Many DIY builder sites simply don’t have that capability, which means your site could be down for several days or more if you don’t know how to resolve things on your own. Your web designer’s goal is to give you the web-site you need and deserve while also being at your fingertips if any issues should arise after your site has been launched.
The more engaging your web-site is, the more credible you look, the easier it will be for your business to be found online, and the least likely it will be that someone will lose interest and move on to a competitor. For more than 25 years, Blue Troop Web, Print and Video has been dedicated to helping business owners add more ‘oomph’ to their marketing toolbox, and now is as good a time as any to invest in your next web-site project.
Call Blue Troop today at 214-354-5809 or please continue to our Contact Page to fill out our quick contact form. We’d welcome the opportunity to work with you and build a professional web-site you and your business can be proud of.